Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday December 28, 2014

Cass -
Thanks so much for your email on the day after Christmas! I loved all the pictures! You look very happy and I'm thankful that this experience is a positive one for you so far!

Dad and I loved the train station picture. It reminded me of New York. And I'd really like to taste that dough tower thing!

Dad gave you a pretty good update of the past few days for us. I'll just add a couple of things...while Dad was recording with the Jackson's I took Hadlie & River to the new Annie movie with Karron & Kortney. River, Karron and I liked it a lot though River thought that Annie had far too cute of clothes to be an orphan. Hadlie and Kortney thought it was cheesy and kept giggling. It is you know, a musical. Anyway - I'll add it to your list of movies to see.

It's nice that we have this week off of school and work (though Colten is still working on Fri night and Sat. He's lucky none of the holidays fell on his regular work days) but I think it's going to go very fast. Tomorrow River is going over to Grandma Bonnie's to have a Harry Potter marathon with Becky and Sadie. Lexi will come here and hang out with Hadlie. Then some of us and some of the Jackson's are going to the BYU bball game.

At the YSA ward today we talked to Abby LeMmon. She's so nice. She asked all about you of course and we asked about Avery. Sounds like he's doing well.

Well - I don't even have anything else wonderful to report. Short email this week I guess. I am anxious as always to hear from you, even though you just emailed us a few days ago:) Love - Mom

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