Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sunday April 12, 2015

Dear Cass:
Well - I hope this finds you doing well and adjusting to Stadthagen! We looked it up so at least we sort of know where your location is. I can't wait to hear all about your travels getting there and your new companion and where you live:) Remember to tell us all the small details too!

It sounds like you were able to get to watch quite a bit of conference. About as much as we did. I'll definitely be going back to listen to Sunday afternoon as well as some other things.
I'm also glad you got to go to the Jentzsch's again. They look like a very sweet family.

Well - as for here...we are safely home from our vacation to San Diego. It was a good week and I think everyone had fun. There were a few glitches like me getting sick and us trying to get anywhere in the traffic of CA but really all in all it was great. I'll give you a quick run-down...
Monday - Beach all day except for when we went down to the shops by the roller coaster. We discovered they had a Dole Whip pineapple ice cream shop so we got some of that deliciousness. The weather was sunny all week but it was not hot by any means. Mid 60's most of the time. And the water was as freezing as always. But that didn't stop anyone who wanted to be in the water. We also tried to get fish tacos from the Pacific Shore Beach Club that evening, but it was the NCAA championship game and the place was super crowded even at 4:30pm. Sooo we walked to the pizza place and got that.

Tuesday - Ricky's family went to Lego Land. The rest of us went to downtown San Diego to the Mormon Battalion museum. That was fun. We went to lunch down there at a Mexican place. After that we spent the rest of the day at the beach. And Grandma Bonnie boogie boarded! I can't remember if I told you but Grandpa Jim didn't end up coming.
Wednesday - Dad, Grandma, Ricky, Colten, Hadlie, Lexi and I went to the temple to do baptisms. Bishop Martineau and family found out we were going to be down there and they were too so they asked if they could join us at the temple. So we did that and then they ended up coming to the beach with us for the afternoon. The temple was great and Hadlie was super duper excited to go do baptisms there. The afternoon was fun especially for Colten because he really didn't have anyone to hang out with on the trip besides the adults - so to have all the Martineau boys for the afternoon was fun. That day for lunch we got our fish tacos. Very yummy. This was the only time we got them during the week. Kind of sad. That night Becky wanted to go out to dinner. Nobody else did so I went with her. We went to Tony Romas. Then in the middle of the night I got very sick.

Thursday - I spent in bed with a fever and throwing up. Not fun. Everyone else spent the day at the beach. It was Natalie's birthday so some of the adults & Colten went to dinner at Boudin and brought cake home. I finally got out of bed and was able to drink a little Sprite and eat a few saltines around dinner time. I felt really bad Dad had to take care of lots of stuff and get all our junk packed up to come home the next day. Hadlie and River got very sunburned this day - they spent hours and hours in the ocean. I expected Colten & Hadlie to love boogie boarding, but River did too! She was in the water constantly.
Friday - we got up at 5am, packed the van and headed out. We drove straight through and it was a long day. I was still feeling very sick and didn't eat anything but saltines the whole way home. There were about 3 times traffic was bad on the way home but not as bad as on the way there. We got back at about 6:30 pm our time. Grammy & Papa ended up watching Brownie because Brooke tried and Ziggy kept attacking her. Grammy dropped her off at our house on Friday before we got home when they were on  their way out of town to Vegas for the weekend. It was nice to not have to go pick her up when we got home.

Saturday - we spent doing laundry and removing sand from everything. I started feeling better but was still very weak. We got the car washed, visited Colten at the ballpark work and got fries, and got some groceries. That's about it.
This morning I'm headed to the YSA Ward Council and Sacrament meeting. Just a normal-ish Sunday around here. I was hoping to wake up and feel back to normal, but I'm not quite there. I still feel a little nauseous actually.

I will send you some pictures of the trip. If you don't want to look at them just delete them. And if you do look, you should just know that Hadlie felt it appropriate to use whatever swim items of yours she wanted. Without even asking me. She just showed up in them. I made sure they were well taken care of and they're back in your drawer safe and sound now.
OH! And Ben Spencer got his mission call to Toronto Canada, English! He leaves in June I think.

I love you so much! Have a great week!
Love - Mom
PS - I think you look beautiful in every picture you send us and your hair is getting very long:)





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