Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sunday June 14, 2015

Dear Cass -
First thing...I need you to tell me if you can watch our little video clips we send you!

From your last and me and our eating habits are the same! For the last few months if I eat too much (like on my free day) I've been getting up in the night, super sick and throwing up. Most of the time I feel pretty ok after that, but its gross.
I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to Pres. Kosak. It is a sad thing! Hopefully you will like the new Pres. coming in just as well.

That's really too bad for Zack he has to be home for a while. That would be so hard! And scabies! No wonder on facebook it just says that he's got a skin condition. Colten had to tell me scabies is an STD. But you can contract it from showers, etc. and have it anywhere on your body.
Thanks for filling us in about Lucy. Her living situation is certainly interesting. I hope she can earn the money she needs to move out on her own. That transgender issue sure is a big thing right now. There's been a lot of attention here about that because Bruce Jenner (Kardashian's dad) has now transitioned to be a woman. Sort of unbelievable.

I can tell that you were feeling pretty exhausted for the 2nd week in a row. I'm hoping you're feeling a little better this week. Though, I will say how much I think you've grown and changed. Just reading your testimony of Joseph Smith and how the gospel can change lives was incredible! You are so strong and beautiful and truly have the light of Christ. I know that even if people say things that aren't nice that somewhere along the way you are helping people see the truth. Don't forget that!
So two things that I forgot from last week...Did you hear that Elder Perry passed away? He had cancer and within just a couple of weeks it spread like crazy throughout his body and that was it. Very fast! I always liked him and his messages at conference.

Also, Colten got a new phone. Have I told you that I'm sort of tired of dealing with people and their phones? Colten's older phone (not even 2 years old) started just shutting itself off. I'm sure it was just the battery, but since we've had such great luck replacing things and actually having the phone work, we decided to just get him a new one. Well - he decided. He found one on Amazon, a Galaxy 5 and he loves it. So far its been good. He paid for half of it. Phones are really expensive now.
Courtney Swindlehurst got her mission call to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She leaves in September.

So this week has been a pretty normal summer week (if there's such a thing). We went to 7 peaks for the first time, started our "area jobs", had piano lessons, gymnastics and Hadlie and I helped with the horses on Thursday. Out of the ordinary things were...Dad came home early one day and took the girls swimming, Hadlie got mad one morning and told dad he was "full of poop," and promptly lost her (your) phone for the day. I took the girls to see the "Princess Academy" play at BYU one night and Colten went to Stake Youth Conference on Thursday in Manti. I had to pick him up on Friday afternoon (just a few hours early) because he had to work and he was taking the ACT on Saturday and needed to sleep Friday night. Remember taking the ACT in June? When we had just moved in with Grammy and Papa? And you fell asleep during part? Ha! Hadlie had an all day Beehive activity yesterday. Dad went with them to the Payson temple to do baptisms. Then Dad came home and the girls ate lunch at a park and went to the Payson pool.
Also, Hadlie, Grammy and I all NAET appointments with Dr. Joe. Grammy's been in quite a bit of pain with her shoulder/hips. Dr. Joe is gonna fix her up! Hadlie's allergies/behavior has been pretty out there, so she went in. And I've been going for my Achilles tendons! Why didn't I think of that last summer??? My left foot has continued to hurt (pretty bad lately) and my right one is starting to get a bump. So he's been doing NAET and chiropractic stuff for it and I'm seeing a significant difference! I'll keep you updated.

So that in a nutshell has been our week. Its been good. Not too crazy. I've actually had time to edit a few pictures. I'm trying to get some developed so the girls can put together some project life books for themselves.
Hadlie has to speak today in church. We wrote her talk while we drove to pick Colten up in Manti. I'll have to send you a copy of it. It's good and has some good stuff about the cultural celebration.

Well - I love you so much! I hope your week was good, that you got to garden some more and had some good teaching moments. Stay safe and be happy! Love - Mom
 Hadlie & Sadie at 7 Peaks
 For my FHE activity we had a coke a cola taste test. We sampled McDonalds Diet Coke, cans of regular coke, caffeine free coke, diet coke and caffeine free diet coke. Dad and I were the only ones to get 100%!
 River's sewing project for the summer...a little bed for Brownie. It's pretty cute and Brownie really loves it!
 Pink frosting AND sprinkles! That's a jackpot!
 Princess Academy play
Guitar instruction on Sunday night.

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