Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sunday August 30, 2015
Dear Cass -

Hi! Another Sunday in August! It's so weird. August has been a long month. I think it feels that way because we started the month with Colten flying to Vegas and then us going to the ranch. Now it feels like we've been in school for a while!
I loved in your last letter a couple of things...
1. That Lucy goes pretty much everywhere with you to teach! Awesome.

2. That you got to go to Berlin! And that you were interviewed by the visiting authority! I can imagine that was a bit nerve wracking. Did he interview others too?
3. That you got to have that meeting with him. Really great!

Hopefully you got my email about Dr. Joe and I hope you're feeling a bit better!
As for here...

I think Dad got his weeks confused because we didn't really have anything fun this week. It was a good, pretty normal school week. Kind of the "honeymoon" week, where not ALL the work has started. This coming week River starts having her weekly homework with Greek & Latin, reading, etc. and Colten starts his internship and his big Anatomy class starts. That one's through Weber State and they start school this week. Hadlie has been pretty busy already. She has already had her states & capitals test in honors history. And they're already watching the Outsiders movie in English.
This week we DO have some excitement. Dad and Colt are going with the rest of the St. John bros. to see Toto in concert up by the U of U. That's Monday night.

Wednesday, River gets to go to her new gymnastics class. She moved up to the next level so she'll go for 2 hours. And we'll pay double the money:)
Then Thursday afternoon Jen, Brynley and Ellie fly in. We'll pick them up and stay in a hotel up in SLC. Friday night is our big Taylor Swift concert! There are some very excited girls here getting ready for that! And just a fun fact - Taylor's been touring all over. She just wrapped up her LA shows. She sold out the Staples Center arena FIVE nights in a row. Crazy.

Friday Colten is leaving to go with Logan's family to their Mountain Man Rendezvous. He'll be back on Monday. (This is Labor Day weekend)
Saturday is Katelyn's wedding! I've been meaning to send you a picture of her announcement. I'll do that today!

So - like I said this past week has been pretty normal. I haven't heard anything from my work yet so I've had a little more time to deep clean, go visiting teaching, etc. I still seem to be pretty busy. It's just VERY quiet around here if I'm home during the day.
Dad and I did get a chance to finally do a session at the Payson temple. It was great! Really, such a beautiful temple.

Friday we went to Jim Jackson's 50th birthday party. We have friends turning 50!
Yesterday Dad, Hadlie, River and I met Papa Mark at the Farmer's Market for some shopping. We then went on a walk on the river trail and then he came with us to the horses to see what Hadlie's been up to over there. It was a fun morning.

Today River get to have a bishop's interview because she finished her Faith in God! She's done a great job. I'm excited for her. Can you believe she's going into YW in like 2 months!!!?
Well - I do have a few questions for you...

*Is Gera what we would consider a small city kind of like Spanish Fork or is it bigger?
*What is your favorite thing about living where you live?

*What is your least favorite thing about where you live?

*How long does it take you to get to church? And do you take a train/bus?

*In Germany do they have stores like Walmart where you go to get everything? Or is it always more separate shopping? Like where would you go to get pens and pencils?
*Can you send us a picture of the outside of your apartment building? And also maybe one from farther out of the Markt?

Those were just a couple of things I've been wondering about.
Well - as always I sure love you so much and pray for you every day!

Have a great week! Can't wait to hear from you:)
Love - Mom
 September birthday party at our house

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