Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Sunday October 25, 2015

Dear Cass...

Thank you for such a detailed, fun email last week with lots of pictures! Gosh, I just miss your face.

I love that you got to learn how to cook something and you took pictures so you can do it at home! And you helped people move. That sounds like A LOT of work. You missionaries are very nice. Anyway - great email but really I didn't feel that your emails before that weren't great. In fact, this week as we've talked to people who are regular followers of the blog they all commented how great, detailed and fun your emails always are and they couldn't believe you felt like you were boring! And, when we were reading this week's, when Colten heard us say you thought your emails were boring he sighed loudly and shook his head. He said, "She's gonna make this impossible for me." I thought that was funny!

Also - Happy one year mark! We've had many discussions around here this week about what life was like a year ago. River felt a little better about her birthday this year. She let me know how terribly sad it was last year. Poor girl.

So as for us this week - I'm sure we sound incredibly boring! And you get to hear it multiple times from both parents and at least the sisters:)

We had the normal running around stuff like piano, gymnastics, grocery shopping all day, helping with the horses, etc.

We also had River's parent/teacher meeting. She's doing really well this year and most importantly is loving her teachers.

We took Hadlie in to Dr. Joe for her jaw pain as well as she's been having a little asthma again. I think she'll need to go in again this week. She's a tough one sometimes.
Then we also had a Stake Evening of Excellence. I'm not sure why they decided to do a Stake one, but they did. I felt bad because the turnout was pretty poor. It was a good little short program and then they had different rooms set ups for different values and had the girls take their projects to each room. Hadlie was able to earn 3 ribbons this time! Faith, Knowledge and Individual Worth. She's moving along nicely. She doesn't necessarily like to be told to work on it but when she does it, it doesn't take her long. We've been trying to work on that kind of stuff on Sunday mornings because we have the dreaded 1:00 church!
Friday was Riv's birthday. We didn't have school because of end of the term so that was fun for her! We ended up going shopping pretty much all day long. I had several errands I needed to run so it worked out to them at the same time. Hadlie invited her friend Sadie to come along so that was nice also. We ate lunch at Wingers because River remembers doing that last year with you before you left. We also got Krispy Kreme donuts instead of a cake because River's decided she doesn't love cake. That was awesome - so much easier than baking! She successfully spent alllll her birthday money and then we came home. She opened her presents and we watched the Cokeville miracle movie.

Yesterday was busy. Farmers Market, horses (twice), Colt went to the BYU game with Briggs and Adam so we had to drive him there and pick him up. River had a birthday party to go to, etc. Just lots of time in the car. Good thing Dad was around to help out a little bit.
It's become very Fall like. We've even had to turn our heater on the last two nights. But no snow. I can't believe you've already had snow! And such cold! I'm sorry about that. You looked very cute in your giant scarf though! You fit right in with Colten in his poncho. Have I told you about that? I'll try to get a pic of him in it.

Well - that's about it for this week. Boring huh? We have my favorite holiday Halloween this week:) Also, our ward trunk or treat/chili cook off.

Do Germans do crazy Halloween things?

I hope you have another great week. We'll pray for you and the transfer situation this week. We're taking bets on if we think you'll stay there another 6 weeks!

I love you so much!
Love - Mom

 Dad, fixing Briggs' darth vader mask!

River's bday loot

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