Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sunday December 13, 2015
Dear Cass -

Hi! HOW IS HAMBURG? My goodness, I can't wait to hear! Your week must have been crazy! Was Lucy sad to see you go? Did you know the sister that took your place?

I'll give you my update here for the week, but really I just want to hear how you are!

Monday was a normal day. Yay. I was finally feeling better enough to go to the gym. I worked on laundry and went grocery shopping. I also went to MMHS and bought poinsettias from the horticulture class! We had a good FHE and looked at all the church's Christmas media. They sure have a lot of stuff out there right now. We loved the A Savior is Born. I'm not sure what else you're allowed to look at but we have enjoyed the Christmas GIFS - little video animations that go along with a scripture all related to Christ's birth and we also checked out the 12 days of sharing on social media with a bunch of famous Mormon people sharing testimonies, etc.

Tuesday was busy. I met Chelsie at Snelsons photo lab to help her order some big family pictures for her wall. I also helped let the horses out and in this day because Nancy had to take her husband to get dentures and they were gone all day. River had a dentist appointment to get sealants. She also lost her last tooth this week - our last lost tooth of our family:(  Colten had a rough night of trying to do math with dad. He had to miss going to the school basketball game and his friend Thomas ended up coming over to help him.

Wednesday things were pretty normal. I wrapped a few presents and took present inventory while everyone was at school. That night Hadlie and River had a Beehive class party at their leader Sister Levi's house. They each had to take a white elephant gift. There was much discussion whether this gift should be funny (what a true white elephant gift would be) or something that you'd actually want. They ended up taking something you'd actually want. A cute hot chocolate mug, and some lip glosses.

Thursday I spent a lot of the day at the barn. Can you hardly wait to get home to come to the barn with us? Now that we spend so much time there. It's weird to think you've never been there. That evening I had a practice for the Ward party program. I was playing the piano for a few things. After that we took our Christmas jar money and went shopping. We decided to help with Sub for Santa for 2 boys. Hadlie's journalism teacher Mr. Buck is in charge of handling that through their school so he gave us the info and went shopping for coats and boots, etc. The kids (Colten) get very distracted while in stores, by the way. We were able to get most everything we needed but its busy out there and there are a lot of people shopping! We went to 3 stores in search of a boys coat size 14. I ended up having to get one somewhere else the next day! We also decided with Dad's family that instead of giving gifts to each other we would participate this year in a service. A family in Wendy's ward is headed to Mexico over Christmas break to restore/improve a school playground. So we're all donating playground equipment for them. So we also shopped for that. All I will say is, I hope the kids remember doing some of these service things and participating because it'd sure be easier for me to shop for things by myself than with everyone:) When we were driving home it started to snow. We had an inch or so but that's it.

Friday I spent most of the day at Brooke's getting my hair done. It's always fun to be with her for a little while. On the way home I stopped at a couple of stores and was able to find that coat we were looking for. We had our ward party Friday night. Colten and River left for friend's houses after dinner, before the program. We took Hadlie to Costco to get a blanket she wanted to buy for herself and that was about it for the night.

Saturday is a special day. It’s the day we do all the stuff we didn't get to in the week. Dad always has some project around the house...Yesterday it was getting rid of some boxes in the storage room (which is freezing cold these days!) and he also took Colten to get a giant piece of foam board for Colten's latest duck tape project. Something for his room. He also helped Hadlie fix her tuner on her guitar. Hadlie and I did our work at the barn and I also worked on a FHE lesson kit that I've been asked to teach for relief society night in January - they want to display it this week though. Hadlie also made gingerbread cookies! By herself! And they are delicious. And we watched Home Alone.

There's our week. It's a great time of year. The kids are excited (mostly Hadlie). Colten definitely has the Christmas spirit and I'm having him choose many of our activities/plans since this is it for him! Even though stores are crowded and there's a lot of people everywhere most people seem very happy.

Today I'll go to the YSA ward. I haven't been in a few weeks. Have you heard from Avery yet? I don't know anything else about the situation.

I hope there's a Christmas Markt near you there. And do you know when you get to call for Christmas??? Can't wait to hear from you tomorrow!

Love you - Mom

 River lost her last tooth! The last lost tooth of our house!

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