Friday, April 24, 2015

Sunday March 1, 2015
Dear Cassidy:
I've been thinking about and praying for you a lot this week. I always think about you lots, but I was a little anxious for you this week in getting your new companion, etc. And the other night I dreamed that you weren't locking your door to your apartment at night. Just a mom's neurotic instinct I'm sure! Anyway I hope things went well this week and you are getting along well with each other and that you had a good week as far as working/serving goes!

A few questions...
1. Hadlie wants to know if you're getting her emails? (She may need a small shout out)
2. I'm wondering what stuff from home you're still active? bare minerals? If you're using the bare minerals - sometime send me the name of the color of your foundation powder. I can try to slip one in a package.
3. Is the deodorant there different? Perhaps no anti-persperant?  Just curious.

I will update you about my week and then I'll send you a separate recipe email...
We actually had a very normal week here. School, work, etc. Teachers had a development/class on Wed. afternoon so everyone had a half day. That day I decided I'd get up very early and get my workout done at the gym. So I went to the gym at 5:15, worked out, came home and got ready, got kids off, went to work and everyone was home when I got home from work just after noon. It felt like a weird day but I kind of liked having my exercise done and not having to worry about it in the afternoon!

On Thurs. I went to Hadlie's parent/teacher visits. She's doing very well in school and she actually reminds me of Katrina and how she'd be on all the teachers if they entered anything on her grade incorrectly. Hadlie's very upset if her SIS account shows anything less than a perfect A. I'm trying to work with her to take it easy and not be so uptight about it. I'm excited for her to start some honors classes next year. She's ready. She's loving her Animal Science class and the teacher wants to encourage her to do FFA. We'll see.
Fri. night we went to Kellie Orton's wedding reception. She seems very happy and it was like an old Lone Pine Ward party there. Also - Michelle Orton ended up coming home from her mission in Tennessee. She got home this last Monday. She's got some kidney/stomach issues that have been pretty bad I guess since she left. I think she's home for good and trying to figure these medical things out. Count your blessings Cass, that you've been healthy. I think that would be very hard to deal with! She was happy out there serving and really loving things and it was hard for her to come home.

Yesterday we took the kids to an early dinner at Red Lobster. Colten and River have been begging for months to go. So we finally did. Hadlie doesn't love it but everyone else does. River ate more there than she does in a whole day. Like several biscuits, half a salad and whole crab claw! And Colten of course has no problem downing a $27 meal by himself!
After dinner Dad and I went to see a play up in Sandy at a tiny theater. It was our "anniversary date." Our anniversary is on Thursday this week, but I'm going to be gone so we went out early. It was a funny play - a spoof on Alfred Hitchcock movies and we saw my old friend Theresa Lewis and a couple of her kids there. That was fun and a little weird to see her.

Today Dad and I had our quarterly YSA couples meeting at 8:00am. I'm not sure why we decided that was a good time of the day for that meeting, but that's when we have it:/ We have church in an hour. After church today we have dinner at Chelsie's and then we'll be hurrying back for a fireside for Colt & Had about the Payson Temple cultural celebration. The temple dedication is set for June 6. So this is going to be a very busy few months as far as that goes!
This Thurs-Sat I will be scrapbooking with my mom, sisters, Becky Smith & her girls. We were having a hard time finding a spot that wasn't too expensive so we decided to do it at Grammys! I'll be sure to let you know how that all turns out!

Well - Cass I just wanted to tell you I love you so much! And that I think you look so beautiful in all your pictures you send to us! Your hair is getting so long and it looks great! And people talk to me about the pictures you send all the time! That sunset one from last week was so great! We have it on our computer screen now as well as my phone background:) Take care and be safe this week!
Love - Mom

Banner & Easter package we sent to Cassidy & her companion. 
Married 21 years this week!

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