Friday, April 24, 2015

Sunday March 15, 2015

Hi my Cassidy!
How was your week? I'm anxious as usual to hear from you and know of your goings on for the week. So I only have a few questions this week...

1. How did you send me pictures of your makeup and pills so fast? Where were you emailing from? Did you happen to have those with you?

2. You mentioned giving out English class flyers. Are you teaching this?

So a few things from your last letter...
First - how AWESOME is that contact that was taught by Bro. Liddle! I mean really! That's cool. I hope you got to meet with her this week!

And you had LOTS of people at church last week! Also awesome!

And I loved that you ran in to the Knight from the park - and that you can see some seeds being planted right before your very eyes!

But really my favorite thing from your last letter was you quoting me with my "have a good attitude speech" I would always give you. You WERE listening!

I'm sure your German is coming. Just like you said a couple of weeks ago - think about when you left the MTC, compared to now! You're doing great!

Ok - as for here...Dad took like 1.5 hours to email you his letter, which I haven't read, but I'm assuming it's pretty detailed, so I'll give you a quick run down on my part.

I started out the week at work, the gym, carpool, then I picked up Ricky & Natalie's boys. We had them until Wed. morning. It all went pretty well and they were good for the most part. Getty is a super good baby. We all went to Finn's bday party on Monday night. Tues. was a lot of work with them, but it was good. I'm really not used to the physical work of taking care of little kids all day.

Wed. night Dad & I got to participate in a marriage panel for YW. It was funny. We did pretty good.

Thurs. River had her first maturation day at school, so I went to that with her. Then I decided I better have "the talk" with her. So I did. On Fri. afternoon. I have always felt nervous about talking to you girls about that, but with River I just felt sad I was taking her innocent childhood away. She's just so young at heart, wanting to always play dolls and wishing she could stay little, etc. Anyway - she handled it well and I'm sure was glad when it was over:)

Yesterday we celebrated my birthday - so I could eat all the cake I wanted over the weekend. This week has been terrible for my eating and I feel pretty crappy so birthday or not - tomorrow I'm back to eating good! Anyway - I made myself a cake and dad gave me a couple of presents. A gift card to my pedicure place and a gift card to Massage Envy. Both should be great.

We had stake conference this weekend. That's always pretty enjoyable for me. I love to hear our Stake Presidency speak. Colten and Hadlie got up and went to the morningside this morning.

This is our last week of term 3 here this week. Aren't you glad you're not worrying about that?! Colten has worked really hard the last few weeks - I'm hoping it pays off for him here in the end. However - he did LOSE HIS WHOLE B DAY BINDER (who does that?) and will now have to do a bunch of work to make up the things lost in there. I'm also trying to get him to think about Prom. It's in just over a month. He "can't think of anyone he wants to ask."

Well - I sure do love you. I pray for you and those you're contacting/teaching all the time! I hope you have a great week and know that I love you! Love - Mom

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