Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sunday July 12, 2015
Dear Cass -

Another week has gone by! You are fast approaching your halfway mark. How do you feel about that?

When do you get to meet your new mission president?

How are your feet? It looked like your weather maybe wasn't quite so hot this week when I checked my weather app.

I am amazed along with you at how many people you have to teach! You're doing such a great job! How much longer do you have until the next transfers?

Well - let me give you the update for our week...

We had Sunday to recover from the 4th of July celebrations. Then Monday Hadlie left bright and early for girl's camp. I'm sure she'll give you her own re-cap but she did good. She enjoyed it though they had plenty of rain which prevented them from doing their boating activities. They did get to play in the water at Bear Lake on a rented trampoline and paddle boards, etc. As soon as she came home she told us all (Jen's family and Ricky & Natalie were here when she got home) EVERYTHING she could remember about camp. All the tent drama, leader issues, funny stories, etc. It wasn't until the next day or so after returning that she remembered some of the spiritual things they did.

Monday afternoon Jen and her kids (minus Tanner) came to stay for a few days while Tanner and Dave played in a golf tournament in Midway. We had a good time with them. Brynley was a little bored without Hadlie around and ready to go home (they'd been in Utah since July 1st for a reunion) but Ellie and River were in heaven and Bridger and Kate play so well together that they were having fun. We went to our park a few times, got snowcones, walked the river trail, went to the Spanish Fork pool and went to Hangtime (with lots of other people...very crowded). They were waiting kind of day by day to see if Dave and Tanner qualified for the next round of things and were planning on going to watch Tanner if he made it past Wednesday. He ended up losing that day so they went home on Thursday.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings Hadlie and I helped with the horses at Nancy's. She's having Hadlie groom and help with the baby horse so she's teaching us a lot! Hadlie really likes it but it does mean she doesn't get to sleep in too much. Neither do I.

Chrissie's family is also in town this week. We got to go with them to a Studio C rehearsal on Thursday. Chrissie went down to get tickets for us all that morning at 5am! So Hadlie, River and I did that. Then Friday I got to go to lunch with Chrissie by myself. That's always a treat! We figured out that you and Riley hit your half way marks just a week apart! Crazy.

Yesterday was 7-11. I forgot to take the kids for a free slurpee until it was way too late. Kera took Mary, Hadlie, Chloe and Cosette to go try but all of them were out. The girls and I went to Natalie's baby shower. She's going to have her baby girl in about 3 weeks! Then our neighborhood (all the houses not in the canyon) had a block party last night. It was over by Tara Jackson's house kind of. We ate dinner and talked with people. It was good for us - we still don't know everyone we live by. As we were there I kept noticing one lady I knew I recognized but it took me forever to figure out it was Mrs. Johnson from Spanish Oaks that taught you all your great writing skills in 6th grade I think it was. Anyway - she's in our ward! Did you know that? Her husband is in the Birds Eye bishopric so they go there. She said to tell you hi!

That's about it for here this week. We've been having a good time with all our family and activities. We figured that it's been 3 weeks straight that we've either been gone or had people staying with us. I'm looking forward to a somewhat normal week here this week. As always I love you! Know that I pray for you and the people you're teaching every day! Have a good week!

Love - Mom

I can't believe I forgot to tell you that Colten went with the Priests yesterday and hiked to the summit of Timp! He left at 6:00 am yesterday and they didn't get back until 6:00pm last night. He did great hiking, has some awesome pictures but he ran out of sunscreen and he's as red as a lobster! I'll see if he'll write to you and maybe even send a picture.

Also I'm sure dad will tell you but we're (he's) fighting a gopher in our back lawn. We've tried the gum trick a few times but today dad found the latest piece of gum back up on top of his hole. He pushed it back out of the hole and didn't eat it! Dad is quite funny about the whole thing as you can imagine!

Love - Mom

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