Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sunday July 19, 2015
Dear Cass- was your week? I know I had some questions about your last week's email but of course I can't think of them right now. I'll have to send another email if I finally think what they are. I am glad that dad told you a little about the funeral he attended. Can you even imagine? When I talked to Grandma Bonnie about it she said she just kept thinking, "is this real?" As much as we give Grandma a bad time I am starting to realize that she is really very stable/normal compared to the rest of her family.

So this has been another good summer week here. We are pushing through and getting some things knocked out that are on our summer to do list. Did I send you a picture of our list? Monday night we went with Brooke, Adi & Briggs to see Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat play at the Scera shell. It was good. I don't know that her kids understood anything but because we've watched the movie so many times it was good for us.

We've also done a little work. We've gotten back on track for doing our area jobs and the girls and I worked on cleaning out closets in prep for back to school shopping. Always an interesting thing. Dad has been working hard in the yard as usual. We have a gopher or something living in our backyard. We've tried putting gum in the holes and he won't eat that. So grandpa Jim came over this week to help dad set some trap with poison. It didn't look like the gopher went for it so now we're waiting to see if it pops up somewhere else. Colten's been working quite a few hours at the ballparks. Kris likes him and will schedule him for lots. He's also been helping her with the deliveries. Janice hasn't been able to work at all this summer. It's sad - when we're down at the park her house is all shut with outdoor curtain things. It doesn't look like she's even living there right now.

I took River and her friend Taelyn to the Spanish Fork pool this week. Colt & Had didn't want to go so I told them they were required to go somewhere together. I gave them many ideas and some money. They ended up just going to the mall and walking around together.

On Friday I took the kids, Grandpa & Grandma and met Chelsie, her kids and Brooke and her kids to go on a hike.  I had seen this hike on a kid friendly hike page for utah on the internet. So we all met at Alta ski resort to start our hike. Well, when we got there we found out there were only 40 parking spots at the trailhead we were looking for and there were already 300 cars at Alta! So we had to park at another trailhead which turned out to fine because it was the wildflower trail and it was the prettiest hike I've ever been on. It was 1.5 miles to a basin meadow. Grandma tried to come with us but when she made it up the first in line she was completely out of breath and in pain so she made us leave her there at a log. Papa tried to stay with her but in true Grammy form she promptly sent him on his way. MyKell, Chelsie, Eliza and Bryton turned back about 3/4 of a mile in (MyKell said she "just couldn't go any farther" ) so they were there to sit with Grammy. The rest of us went on. When we got to the basin mostly everyone wanted to go on to the lake that we were originally headed for so we kept going. We got to the base of a big incline and discovered that the lake was at the top of the big hill with several switchbacks. River and Adi opted out and I took them to the bathroom about a half mile back. Everyone else continued up. Chelsie ended up coming up to the parking lot at the top and picked us all up. River, Adi and I ended up doing about 4 miles. Those who made it all the way did about 5. I sent you a picture of the our small group that made it all the way...Papa, Colt, Had, Keaton, Brooke (wearing Finn), and Briggs! Anyway - it turned out to be fun for most. Afterwards we met at Brooke's to swim.

Yesterday Hadlie, River and I went to do our work at the horses. I officially look and smell like a ranch hand on those days we go to work. We were also planning on going to the street dance that kicks off Fiesta Days. We headed down but there was rain and lightning so they cancelled it. We ended up going to cold stone and getting Mall Cop 2 at the redbox to watch. The girls, Dad and I watched it while some of us worked on our puzzle that we started on New Years Day! It's the hardest puzzle ever. Dad and I thought the movie was pretty funny and we were laughing hard. Hadlie kept making fun of us and asking why we thought it was so funny. I'm sure when you get home you'll think she's changed the most. Full fledged teenager.

Well - as always I hope your week goes well and that you enjoy this time with Sister Medley because like you said - it'd be pretty crazy if you stayed together for longer. I hope you get our package - maybe this week! I love you so much and happy hump day on Wednesday! I know it's probably gone fast for you. It has for me too. Kind of. Sometimes not. I still miss you!
Love you! - Mom

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