Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sunday May 17, 2015

Dear Cass - is it weird that I call you Cass? I just really can't call you Sister St. John. And when I think about calling Colten Elder I just laugh!

Anyway - how was your week? I loved that you had an investigator at church! And obviously we didn't understand that in German or we would've been very excited! I hope they came again this week!

Things here this week were busy as ever. We have had things just about every night and we've been terrible scripture readers this week. We'll do better this week.
Monday we had a soccer game for Colten. It was a little better than the others have been because now that high school soccer is winding down Zach from the old team was back (they- ALA won the 2A state championship again), Logan Brower is hurt so he's not playing for mm so he played a little. Anyway - they ended up tying and that we'll just count as a win. Grammy and Papa as well as Grandma Bonnie were all there.

Tuesday was an interesting day. River had her Hershey track meet. Though Hershey isn't sponsoring them anymore, so it was just a track River was so excited for it which is interesting with her personality and all. Anyway - I ended up volunteering to help since I had to be there all day because Riv was on a relay team and that's the very last event. So I helped at the standing long jump all day. It was very busy and slightly crazy but we made it work. If you're wondering, the boys winner of my event jumped 82.5" and the girls winner jumped 81.5".
So River's first race was the 100m. She took off quickly and a big girl from the next lane over totally came in her lane and bumped her. River fell down, jumped back up, finished her race and didn't even come in last. She was pretty traumatized thought and was all scraped up. She was dizzy and crying. I had to take her to the first aid tent where they cleaned her up and put a little gauze bandage on her hip, which was the worst scrape. She was too upset to run the 200 but pulled it together for the relay. Her little team I sent you a picture of ended up winning their heat by a lot and taking 3rd overall. So thankfully, the day had a positive end to it.

Tuesday night I took Ben's senior pictures which was hilarious. I'll have to send another email with some of those pictures. You'll be proud of me I think. It's very stressful taking other people's pictures by the way.

Wednesday was my last day at work. It was supposed to be Thursday but they've all of a sudden slowed down so that was it. I'm not really sad to be done for the summer. Brooke and kids came over that afternoon and did hair for a long time. It was fun though.

Thursday we had Hadlie's chorus concert. That was really well done and we stayed to watch some kids in our ward in the concert choir. It's Mr. Tucket's last year of teaching too. Afterwards we went to Culver's with Hadlie's friend Sadie and her family for ice cream.

Friday Dad and I worked at the parking lot of the temple open house. It has been quite cold and stormy this week so we were bundled in our coats for most of the afternoon. Luckily it didn't pour rain on us though. While there I saw Brother Hjorth. He asked how you were doing and got all teary when we were talking about you:)

Yesterday we went to Colten's last soccer game. This might be it altogether for him. Last season with this coach and Colten didn't end up trying out for any other club team. They actually won their game which was fun. Both Logan's plus Zach played. MM lost this week in the playoffs so Logan C was eligible to play.

In other news I wanted to let you know that Pres. Wylie is moving. He got released and Bishop Kay got put in the Stake Presidency!

Also, there was another earthquake in Nepal, just 50 miles away from the first one. That is a very sad part of the world right now. They just don't have the supplies and structure to rebuild and recover very quickly.

And lastly, one day this week I told River as we were going to school that she looked cute. She got mad at me and told me not to say that. When I asked why she said, "It's just annoying mom. I don't know why it's annoying, it just is, so don't say it." Heaven help me.

Well Cass I hope you're doing good as ever! I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow as always!
Love- Mom


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