Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sunday May 10, 2015 (Mother’s Day)

Cass -
Hi! It was sooooo wonderful to talk to you this morning! I was trying not to get my hopes up too high in case the Skype didn't work again - but gosh it was FUN! I hope it was ok for you. You didn't seem homesick really and I was proud of us that we didn't cry until the end:)

Because I was trying to be prepared if things didn't work out this morning I didn't even think to have a list of questions ready and so of course I have thought of questions I should have asked you all day today! Like...

Are we sending you ok stuff in your packages?
Is there anything else you need?
Do other missionaries/companions get a lot more packages than you?
Are your shoes holding up ok?
Do you ever wear your one pair of "missionary shoes?"
What crafty supplies would be fun to have?
What sort of grocery store do you have in that town?

AND I forgot to ask how your music went today in church? I'm sure it was great and I LOVED that you didn't pick Love at Home! I laughed when I read that!

This past week at home has been very busy! Colten's schedule is really picking up with the ballpark shifts and he had 2 soccer games. Hadlie babysat twice, River had Activity Days and Gymnastics and Ella's birthday party, we did the temple open house and there were 2 different temple celebration practices. Dad and I also went on a date yesterday. It was supposed to be a Mother's Day date where we shopped for flowers to put in our big pot on our porch, BUT it was pouring rain and rather cold. We looked around for a while and I don't know what I'm doing with flowers, so we decided to not do it. We also tried to go to See's candies to get some chocolate, but after we finally found a parking spot at the busy mall we got to See's and the line was out the door. So we ended up just going to lunch and that was pretty much it.

Today was good. After we talked to you (which was the best part of the day:) dad and kids made breakfast, we went to church, I had a short nap and then we went to Grandma Bonnie's for dinner. Everyone was there today - which rarely happens anymore and is always entertaining. It looks like I'm going to take a few senior pictures for Ben this week. Should be fun/interesting. AND it looks like Ben is heading out to SVU to play football in the Fall. He and Wendy flew out there last week and he signed to play for them. The whole process should be interesting as they're not sure how to get him out there, if he'll have a car, how he'll pay for everything. They only gave him a $500 tuition break and I'm sure you remember that it's pretty expensive compared to UT schools. Anyway - that's some big news.

Other things here - Courtney Swindlehurst is home for the summer now after being at Snow and has her mission papers started! Savannah is getting a lot closer. She's got some cute mission clothes and looks good. I'm sure she probably writes you but they're heading to Nauvoo so she can go through the temple for the first time with her grandparents. And Rhett Clark came home from his mission. We don't know why. Dad and I talked to him a little today at church, but we're not sure if he's home for good.

Well - we'll be anxious to hear if you get to stay in your area this week and if you stay with Sister Medley. I'm really happy that you like her a lot. For some reason that just makes me happy and feel at peace. I love you so much and I'm so happy/relieved we got to talk to you for a while today! It really was the best! Have a great week - Love, Mom



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