Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sunday May 3, 2015

Dear Cassidy:

Hi! Another week has come and gone! It's crazy how that happens around here you know?
I loved reading about you getting to wear jeans - twice - in one week! Very fun service opportunities!
And an adventure of a week - traveling to Berlin and all. I saw on your mission Pres. blog the picture of all of you together! And we could see you just great! And they also posted a video of you singing all together which was cool - even though we couldn't see you exactly.
And what an experience for you to see all over Berlin! I'm jealous.
I was wondering a few things - 1. Did you just make chicken roll ups from memory and do they have all the stuff there like Pillsbury rolls?
And any more word about getting your iPad and paying for it?

Well - here we've just been busy as ever - well not true - I think we were busier last year with you finishing up your Senior year and doing mission papers and all...but you know, we're busy. Colten had a soccer game and work and he drove out with friends to Delta for some extra credit thing for History. He also drove with Logan to Chelsie's house to bring her elliptical exercise thing to our house. Chelsie didn't want it anymore. Hadlie, Dad and I got to go over to an elderly lady's house in our ward to look at her horses. She's a breeder and knows a ton. Her name is Sister Jensen and now Hadlie might start going over there once or twice a week to help brush and feed the horses. I thought Had would be so excited to do that, but it turns out I should stop trying to guess how you kids will react to things, even when it's something that you really like. She's nervous to go over, so Dad or I will go with her the first couple of times. We'll see how it goes but I think it's a pretty darn good opportunity for someone like Hadlie. River had gymnastics as usual this week and we also bought and planted a few plants for our yard. Slowly, very slowly we're pulling it together!

I got to go to and help out with Women's Conference at BYU on Thursday and Friday. Thursday I went to classes and a concert that night and then Friday I worked at the Marriott Center for the afternoon, just helping greet people and answer questions. It was fun. A bunch of ladies from our stake helped out. The classes for the most part were good and the concert was really fun. Is there a way we can send you music??? I have some ideas of some new stuff you might like.

Yesterday (Saturday) we worked around the house. Inside and yard work and Dad made us a little garden area and we planted 3 tomato plants...mostly for Colten because this will be his last full summer here before his mission!

Today we did church and then right after that Hadlie and I got to go see the Bride's room in the Payson temple. The open house is going on right now and we've got tickets to go this coming Wednesday, but the bride's room isn't on the tour. So the temple Presidency decided they wanted to provide every YW in the temple district an opportunity to see the bride's room. Today was our Stake's day to go. It is so beautiful! Not just the bride's room - but holy cow...the temple is awesome! I can't wait for you to see the inside when you get back!

We then had family dinner here at our house with my family. The weather has been awesome (we actually turned on our air conditioner!) and we had a bbq. Brooke's family drove straight here from Vegas because they've been at Disneyland all week. Anyway - we had a good dinner and time together and now dad and Colt are at a Stake Priesthood meeting. There's the run down of this week for us.

***Now - most importantly*** when do we get to hear from you next Sunday? Do I get to stay home from church? I need your advice...I can put a German international thing on our cell phone account for this month for $30 if you think we'll need to make a phone call like we did at Christmas or are you feeling more confident in the Skype from where you'll be this time? I was thinking you'll probably be at the church and it won't matter if I have the international calling thing because I probably can't call your phone.? Anyway - let me know what you think. And don't forget to tell me what time!***

I love you sooooo much! Can't wait to talk to you next week!

Love - Mom

 For getting straight A's Hadlie got a Scott Sterling jersey from her favorite Studio C!
 Women's conference...Karron, her friend Kelly, Sherri Dew, Wendy Watson Nelson, Leticia, Me. We loved Sister Nelson's talk from today!
Working at the Marriott Center. Missy, Me, Kera. 

I spotted Mallory from Studio C & got a quick picture for Hadlie!


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