Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Sunday September 27, 2015

Dear Cass -

How are you this week? Are things starting to cool down there for Fall? We thought they were here, but this week we've been back up in the 90's!

My overall feeling from your last email is that I'm sorry you have to eat so much! But I guess I'd rather have you have that problem than have you starving somewhere! Hopefully the amount of food issue has lessened this week after all the birthday celebrations are now over. And I'm glad you were able to find some motivation/inspiration this week. It sounds like your district meeting was very helpful. I liked that you got to do a big service project as well as the smaller ones like take cookies around! By the way - in your paragraph about that district meeting you said the "Elders were in a drit this day..." I didn't know what drit meant so I put it in Google translate and it gave me the "s" swear word! So...what does that mean? Ha ha!

I've been praying for the Meckel family this week. Hopefully they will come along. Please tell us all about it.
Any other refugee action there? The news has pretty much slowed down talking about it this week because the Pope has been visiting the US. That, I guess is a big deal.

Also, did you hear about Elder Scott passing away? This General Conference coming up next week should be very interesting as they have now THREE apostles to replace. That hasn't happened since way back in the early days of the church.

As for our week here...
Things have been busy/usual. Colten went on Monday after his internship up to Brooke's to get a haircut and then he popped in to visit Grammy & Papa. They ended up taking him to Pizza Pie CafĂ© for dinner. They sure love to have some time with you guys.
On Thursday night Dad and River had a daddy/daughter dinner for Activity Days. I'm sure they'll tell you all about it. I ended up taking Hadlie that night up to see Adam to check her ears out. She'd been complaining about them and not feeling super good for a few days. Her ears were fine but she has some swelling in her jaw muscles (tmj). I'm taking her into Dr. Joe on Monday to see about that.

Friday I spent getting our kitchen ready for and doing all the shopping for homecoming happenings on Saturday. More details to come.
Friday night we found out that the baby horse at Nancy's cut his leg up. So we went and visited and watched Nancy treat him. Then Dad and I went to the Homecoming football game. It was really fun and Maple Mountain beat Spanish Fork. Colten's been quite involved in having Homecoming fun this week. He's dressed up a few days and at the football game a bunch of the boys wore maroon leggings and the girls wore gold leggings and painted their faces, etc. They took a picture for the yearbook of the "Maroon men and Golden girls." Very funny. I didn't get a picture of Colt in his leggings/shorts, but you can imagine. Maybe I'll have him put them on today for a picture:)

Yesterday (Saturday) was very busy. Colten's homecoming group made a pancake breakfast here and then played croquet in our back yard. They all seemed to have a good time. Hadlie and I went and helped at the horses and visited the farmers market. Then I picked up Colten's corsage and some diet cokes for dad and me (Dad's straight Diet now!)
Yesterday evening I took the group's pictures down on the River trail. You know how I feel about that. And they're not very good. Then we came back here and dad & I cooked and served salads, rolls (bought, not baked), green beans, mashed potatoes and tri-tip. I think it turned out pretty good. Then they left for the dance. I cleaned up and then got ice cream sundae stuff ready to serve just in time for them to come back. It was a very long day, but it turned out well and I think they had fun. It certainly helped Colten not feel so stressed about making decisions for the group, etc.

On Saturday while Hadlie and I were working with the horses that little baby colt kicked Hadlie in the thigh! She jumped out of the way mostly so it wasn't a straight on kick, but she's got herself a nice, big bruise.

Then also Saturday, after mashing the potatoes, Colten left the house in Dad's car to take his friend Thomas home to get ready for the dance. Just the day before we had moved Brownie's rope from the backyard up to the front. Apparently Brownie was tied on her rope and standing on the driveway when Colten backed out because when Colten got to the end of the driveway there was Brownie up by the garage just standing there looking at him. So I guess Brownie went right under the car. She has a little scrape or burn (we're not sure which) on her head above one of her eyes but that's it! Can you even believe it?
Because I was so busy with all that, I didn't get to watch the General Women's meeting yet. I have it recorded and will do so today! Did you get to see it? I'm thinking probably not.
Well - I hope you're feeling happy and healthy and your week was a good one. Can't wait to hear from you tomorrow!

Love you so much! - Mom

 River got a "sticky hand" stuck on the ceiling:/
 Before the daddy/daughter western activity
 MMHS Homecoming game

Hadlie's bruise from the colt kicking her

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