Dear Cass -
How are you this Monday?
How is your new companion situation? I'm sure it's been quite eventful for you.
Can't wait to hear about it.
Hopefully you got my
couple of videos of Tanner and Ben opening their mission calls. If not here's
the scoop...
Tanner will be going to
the New Mexico, Farmington mission leaving June 29, speaking English. Now,
here's some interesting things...that mission actually covers a little corner
of Utah, Colorado and quite a chunk of Arizona as well as the corner of
New Mexico. Think 4 corners area expanded. The majority of his mission is the
Navajo and Hopi Indian reservations! AND, guess who lives in the Colorado
corner? Jason & Brittney Smith! He has their town as well as Durango all
the way to almost Telluride. Remember that super pretty drive we did?
Ben will be going to the
Nevada, Reno mission leaving April 13 (so fast!!! you won't even get to see
him!), speaking English. That mission covers the majority of Nevada (pretty
much everything but Vegas) nd into a tiny bit of California. I think he'll be
working in a lot of tiny towns like Alamo with rancher type of people.
So that's some of the
big news around here. Let me update you on our week...
Monday - After the gym I
took Hadlie in for a naet appointment. She's been reacting with itchy redness
to ProActiv we think. Got her treated and took her back to school. Later that
day I went in for a naet appointment for me. Still working on the dang itchy
eyelids. This time I took all my face stuff in. Dr. Joe thinks it might be my
Mary Kay lotion. So I got treated for that and my feet/back adjusted. We had
blackened salmon for dinner (really good) and just as we were finishing dinner
Nancy texted and said the baby horse had been born. So Hadlie and I rushed down
to the barn. It was pretty neat to see that little skinny, wobbly baby. It's
amazing they can just stand up and move the hour after they're born. We watched
her find her way to nurse the first time and saw her learn to lay down (getting
down seems to be harder than getting up). Anyway, it was pretty fun. The rest
of the family had FHE while we were gone.
Tuesday was pretty
normal. School, gym, errands, etc. Hadlie went to piano then we went to the
barn. We had steak for dinner (really good).
Wednesday was a teacher
development day so all the kids were done with school by noon. I picked the Jr.
High kids up and after dropping everyone else off Hadlie and I went to the
barn. Hadlie wants to go all the time obviously. Colten & River aren't interested.
Nancy says she wants us to come as much as we can so Honey (the baby) gets
really used to us. That night the kids went to their combined activity. The
Priests were in charge and they did human foosball, and hungry hungry hippos on
skateboards with laundry baskets and balls. Sound hilarious, right? Well, the
older two loved it. River came home and cried. She just hates sports/active
things like that where she feels pressured to participate. She's EXACTLY like I
was! She was also upset that she doesn't have any friends in our ward and that
none of the girls go to her school. We had to listen and work through some
things with her. Any suggestions you have for her would be welcome. Hadlie also
forgot that her essays for applications to honors history & English were
due the next day so she had to hurry and get those done. That also, somehow,
became my fault that they weren't done earlier:/ AND, Colten...we're having him
pay for the majority of replacing the window that he shot a bb through which is
going to cost him $200. So we transferred that money out of his account on Wed.
night. He agrees he should pay for it but that leaves him with about $80 total.
In other words, he needs a job. We've been encouraging him to get out and apply
for weeks now. He did apply at Wiggy Wash but by that night hadn't heard
anything back. Kind of a rough night.
Thursday bright and
early I took River to an orthodontist consultation. I wanted to take her to Dr.
Barrows because we've heard super good things about him. He seems very nice and
I really like some of his ideas for treatments. River was upset because she
wants to go to Trapnell (because it's popular and they give out backpacks to
the Elementary schools) and then she was super upset because she thinks 2 years
for treatment is WAY too long. I explained that wasn't long at all but she's
very self conscious about going to school with braces, etc. Especially in Jr.
High. So when River gets upset she doesn't just get sad or cry, she kind of
gets mean. She was very angry that we waited until 6th grade to take her in -
instead of 4th or 5th amongst a bunch of other things. By the time we got home
(we needed to get her backpack and she needed to fix her mascara she thought)
she was sobbing. She ended up staying home the whole day and taking a nap. We
had a good talk after she woke up and hopefully she's starting to see things
differently. She's had a rough week.
Colten heard from Wiggy
Wash and went in for an interview this afternoon! Hadlie and I went to the barn
again, this time to work actually. Dad fixed dinner this night. He made
Bierocks. Have you heard of this? It's Grandma Bonnie's recipe and maybe
something German? It's cabbage, onion and hamburger mixed together and put
inside bread dough. You bake the dough with all of that stuff in it. They were
actually really good!
Friday was pretty
normal. Hadlie had Diamond Back Day at Classic skating in the morning. After
returning she was texting me every other minute to come pick her up. I did
after lunch and then she went with me on a couple of errands. Colten, his
friend Thomas, and Hadlie went to do baptisms Friday evening. They went to
Provo and waited forever. River and I went to Target and found her a couple of
pairs of shorts. A whole other issue. Let's just say that your shorts from your
drawer have been brought out as evidence that we allowed you to wear short
shorts. Heaven help me.
Saturday - Dad and I
went to the gym. Hadlie and I went to do our work at the barn. We did some
normal Saturday things here. Went to 5 Guys for dinner and then over to Ben's
mission call opening. Colten heard back from Wiggy Wash and has been hired! So
that's some good news. He goes in on Monday to fill out paper, etc.
So here we are on
Sunday. Dad and I will be teaching the Sunday school class. We're having dinner
at Grandma Bonnie's tonight.
This was a long email!
Sorry if it's boring! It's crazy to think that in a couple of months you'll be
right in the mix of all that's going on here. I can't wait actually.
Stay focused and strong
these last few weeks!
Love you so much! - Mom
Baby Honey right after being born
3 days old
5 days old
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