Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sunday January 10, 2016

Dear Cass -

Hi! How was your week? Is time going so fast for you? I cannot believe we're already heading into 2 weeks of January! I loved reading about your goals - they are all great and amazing! You're such an inspiration for me! I have some similar goals - getting back into my good exercise routine, providing good healthy dinners for the family, etc. December really throws me for a loop! My spiritual goal is keeping up with the Sunday School reading and studying of the Book of Mormon. I really like the years that we get to study the BoM.
You're week last week sounded very busy. I have a question or two for you...Are you enjoying the travel you get/have to do with being a Sister Training Leader? How long does it take to get from Hamburg to Berlin?

I'll give you a quick rundown of our week here...
Monday was Hadlie's birthday so after the gym and such I went and picked her up from school to go to lunch. It was tough to go back to school on her birthday from Christmas break! She wanted Waffle Luv. So that's what we did. Then I took her to the bank and got a checking/savings account set up for her. She was very excited about that. And since it was her birthday they gave her a piggy bank:)

Tuesday I went to kickboxing and then spent the rest of the day grocery shopping and menu planning.
Wednesday was a pretty normal day. I went to the gym and then spent some part of the day preparing for a Relief Society activity I was helping with on Thurs. The kids all went to YM/YW that night and they went sledding on the road in Covered Bridge. They all 3 had a great time! River totally didn't want to go but ended up loving it.

Thursday was busy. I worked at the barn, cleaned the floors in our house, took Hadlie to piano, went back to the horses, did dinner and then went to the church for the Relief Society activity. I was in charge of teaching a FHE class where we put together a lesson about the Plan of Salvation. It turned out alright.
Friday I went to the temple with a few Relief Society sisters in the morning. The Payson temple is truly beautiful! You'll love going there when you get back! After that I just came home and worked on the rest of the FHE lessons that didn't get finished at the activity the night before. I've also been watching a murder documentary on Netflix that I was pretty obsessed with. So I finished that.

Yesterday was a good Saturday. Hadlie and I helped with the horses and they ran around in the snow like crazy. They were very happy to be out of the barn. We went to lunch at 5 guys and I worked on organizing pictures on the computer for the afternoon. Last night dad, Jim, Kortney and Hadlie went to the BYU bball game. Karron and I went to Kneaders for dinner then just came back to our house and hung out with River. Colten was with friends and then he's joined a men's soccer league with his old coach, Logan Brower, Brigham and a few others. The played a late game last night against Logan Christensen's team and Colten's team totally won! He was pretty excited about that!
Here we are on Sunday! I'm getting ready to head out to the YSA ward counsel and ward for the day. They now meet at 1:00 - the same as our ward so it really makes it so Dad and I have to split up to go.

I think that's about it for here. I did like your little email last week with ideas of how to travel around Germany. I let the mission travel office know that you'll be coming home with us. That was the next item to do on our list. Now I just need to make the travel arrangements. That's quite a job! It's fun though and I'll work on it more this week.
I love you so much and hope you have another good week there!

Love - Mom
 Hadlie's bday lunch at Waffle Luv
Salads in a jar. Healthy lunch!

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