Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sunday January 17, 2016

Dear Cassidy -

Hi! Good morning from the snow this morning. I'll send you a picture of our yard. Its very foggy and snowy right now. I'm sure dad told you what a great night we had last night with the dog. She's getting so old Cass. Sometimes she'll sleep through the night but most of the time she's up at least once. Like a baby:/

I loved reading about all the tausch experiences you're having! And also about how you love Sis. Sorensen playing her guitar. That's cool.

I think I'll skip going through the week day by day here just because it wasn't a super busy/interesting week. I'll give you a few of the highlights though.

I was determined to stay home more this week and that worked out well because I didn't have to do a lot of grocery shopping, etc. errands. I even had a little time to work on my shutterfly book from 2014.

We of course are back to trying to eat pretty healthily and that's always hard, but good. I really do feel better when I put in the effort to eat well. Have I told you about our great salads in a jar? I'll send you picture maybe, but dad and I have really been enjoying having those around. Karron Jackson came over one day this week and we put a bunch together.

I attended River's parent teacher conference where she got straight E's, even in Math (!). And Hadlie had a choir concert the same evening as that. Hadlie hasn't been enjoying choir as much as she thought she would - because Mr. Tuckett is gone. The teacher they have is good, just not quite as fun maybe?

I also spent a little time down at the barn on Thursday and Saturday (our designated help days). And I went to the gym M-F! And on one of those days I saw Avery at the gym! I figured I'd run into him sometime. Honestly, I didn't recognize him for a second. Not that he looks super different - I guess I just wasn't expecting to see him. I talked to him for a few minutes which was sort of awkward, but ok. I had talked to Abby about him on Sunday so I knew he had a job and was in a couple of classes at UVU. But then he told me he was modeling (!) and I honestly don't know if I should believe him. Something is just weird about how he says stuff, you know? Has he written you at all?

The other thing I did that took up MANY hours this week was try to help River's iPod. All of a sudden it's turning itself off when she unplugs it from charging. It would have a very difficult time coming on and then all of her texts, etc. would be gone. So I spent most of the day Thursday working on it - looking things up to try, etc. I finally ended up calling Apple support. I got to talk to a very nice, helpful lady named Lakeshia. She walked me through a bunch of things and it looked good. Then of course it started doing the same thing. I called her back on Fri. afternoon and we tried a couple of things but nothing worked. She actually issued a one time replacement of her iPod! So yesterday (Saturday) evening we had to go up to Fashion Place Mall (the closest Apple store) and trade her iPod in. We had to have an appointment and even with that we waited for about 30 minutes. There must of been 20 employees there working and the store was completely packed! So once it was our turn it was very easy - they just gave us a new one and took the old one. Unfortunately that wasn't the end. We had to come home and get it working and get River's contacts/pictures on it, etc. That was another stressful couple of hours and I wasn't very happy. By the end of it all I was ready to go "unplugged" for forever! But hopefully that will be the end of that.

Also - shopping with the girls last night :/ Its hard Cass. They don't get along with each other and they don't really get along with me very well sometimes. Super fun.

The end of the term was on Thursday so the kids didn't have school on Friday and Martin Luther King day is Monday so they're off for that as well. It's been a pretty boring break so far because I haven't planned anything wonderful for everybody to do. Nor do I think I'm going to. Oh well.

So that's about it for here. I probably don't even have hardly any pictures to send to you from the week.

I hope you have a good week. It looks like it's been a little cold this week. I'll send you your forecast!

Love you - Mom

 Putting together a valentine pkg for cass
 Hadlie's choir concert
Sneaking a picture of Riv eating sushi!

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