Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sunday January 31, 2016

Dear Cass -
Well, here we are on another Sunday. And January is OVER! I can't say I'm super sad about that fact as January is always a little bit hard for me to handle if we don't go on any trips. We didn't this month and it has seemed very wintery here. We got another probably 8 inches of snow yesterday!

You've already heard from me a couple times this week and really my main focus has been trying to get that tripped a little bit more planned but I'll give you my weekly update...
Monday was normal except for that evening we got to go to the new Provo City Center temple open house. Do you remember that old tabernacle building they were turning into a temple? It's been quite incredible to look at the process of restoration they used there. It is a very beautiful building. It's a very small temple and very unique. On the tour we didn't get to see the bride's room or dressing rooms. My favorite part that we did get to see was the baptistery. It's really big and very, very pretty.

Tuesday I got up at 5 to go to the gym. I then took Brownie in for a haircut and myself to Brooke's to get my hair done. I stopped by my parents and had a good visit with them as well. We made tri tip for dinner and that was a highlight of the day.
Wednesday was normal except for that evening we attended the Mr. Maple Mountain contest. Colten actually helped his friend Spencer Young in his talent. They did a black light dance so you couldn't tell who they were and they had cool lights on them. Anyway - they did good. We tried to video it for you, but it wouldn't show anything. They had a record # of boys as contestants this year...22! Because of that their talent could only be 90 seconds long which was really fast. It was fun to watch, a little long and Mr. Smith did a great job. Some kid named Ben Gleason won.

Thursday was normal - horses, etc.
Friday Dad took the van in to the Toyota dealer because we had to get our dark front window tint taken off! Lame, I know. We went to get it registered and the law had changed this year and our windows were too dark. Isn't that ridiculous?! So we got lighter tint put on and took it back in yesterday to get it registered. Dad, River and I also went on a date (the other kids were gone and River didn't have plans) to guitar center. We ate dinner at Pei Wei and then dad went to look for something specific in guitar center which they didn't end up having and River and I went to Target.

Yesterday it snowed all day. We did our work at the horses and then Colten ended up taking the van to his friend's house and then to his indoor soccer game at 7 peaks. He picked up dinner for us on his way home and Dad, River and I hung out at home for the day. Hadlie went to the mall and a movie with some of her friends. It's very interesting here when it's snowy and we have pretty much one car that can go up and down the hill.
So, as usual I'm interested to see how your week was. How are things going with your companion?

I love you so much and always look forward to Monday mornings when I first wake up so I can check my email! It's like a little present that morning:)
Have a great week!

Love - Mom

River made this cute drum for her homemade instrument at school. The tops of the cans are covered with balloons.

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