Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sunday February 7, 2016

Dear Cassidy -

First off - have you gotten any packages lately? Grandma Bonnie sent one just before Christmas, did you ever get that? We also sent a little Valentine's one that should be there and I hope you get before next week. 

Second - is there anything else you need before we come to get you that you can't live without? I was going to send one more package, but I'm hesitant if you're not receiving them very quickly.

Third - in making plans for our trip. If church is in Werdau, would you think it’s better to spend the night there, or in Gera on our Saturday night. I need you to tell me the difference between towns. Is one better to stay in?

So, it sounds like you've been busy. You haven't said a lot about your companion. Are things going ok? I'd love to see pictures of the chocolate museum. You didn't send any of those. 

Your story about the rich part of town was funny! And Comfort being drunk! What the heck? I totally laughed when you said you hadn't seen that many drunk people! And you'll have to tell us more about the model group. None of us really know what you're talking about.

Well - for our week around here - 

We are still in winter. We got another good few inches on Monday. I'm becoming a pro with the snowblower and shovel. We watched Prince of Egypt for FHE that night. That was fun.

I spent a whole bunch of time planning our trip this week. I've got our airfare and most of our hotels purchased. It's been fun and I'm getting pretty good with a map of Germany:)

I got Hadlie signed up for EFY this week. Can you believe she's old enough? She's going to go with her friend Sadie to the Orem stay-at-home one. I was thinking just yesterday how much the kids have changed since you left. Out of all of them I think she's the most different. You just grow up a ton between the first of 7th grade and the end of 8th grade, don't you think?

Thursday was exciting. Colten left for school, got down around one corner and slid his car right into a huge snowbank. He called me, I took a shovel down and we tried to get him out. He was really stuck though and we ended up having to have Brother Barney come and hook a cable to the back of the car and pull him out with his big jeep. So that was fun. It was 18 degrees outside by the way. Thursday I also went to Dad's work for a health fair. I'm sure he'll tell you because he's really bugged by the fact that his work is having us do all these things to promote a healthy lifestyle to keep their insurance premiums down a little bit. So one of the things we had to do was go to this health screening. They weighed us, measured body fat, blood pressure, etc. All super fun things. Anyway - I got to go out to lunch with dad after, so it was fine. We also have to keep track of how many steps we walk, water we drink, etc. 

Friday I went to the bank and grocery shopping after the gym. And that was pretty much the day. 

Yesterday Hadlie and I did our work at the horses. We took the family to 5 Guys for lunch and then we stopped at JoAnns for a couple of things. Having the whole family in a craft store is an adventure. Then...yesterday afternoon the kids and I cleaned out the game cabinet AND Hadlie and I went through our 72 hour kits! That was funny! For one of her YW projects she's helping me update those. So we threw away all the expired food and made a list of all the things to replace. All you kids obviously need new clothes and such. It was pretty funny.

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. The Denver Broncos will play the Carolina Panthers. I'm totally rooting for the Panthers. I'm tired of Manning and the Broncos. Time for someone new to win! We'll be going over to Chelsie's to watch it and celebrate Keaton and MyKell's birthdays.

Today is supposedly the day that Colten has chosen to start working on his mission papers. He's not sitting here all excited to do it, so who knows. He didn't even tell us that the bishop opened his papers for him to start working on. I happened to be talking to the bishop about something and I asked when Colten could start working on them and he looked at me funny and said he already opened them for him. ???

Well - sorry this is so short. I don't have much out of the normal to report on this week and I think I took like one pictures. Which I'll send. I sometimes don't know if your replies get back to me about pictures and such. I'm not sure if my video last week came through. I'll send the short one this week and you'll get the idea if you weren't able to see it last week. Did you get the pictures of Hailey & her boy, and Chelsea Patterson?

Well - I hope you have a great week and have some success teaching and finding! I love you so much!
Love - Mom

 New swimsuit for Hadlie
Allergic reaction to ? on my eyelids.

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